What we do

Heritage Projects

Earth Observation

Unlock­ing a new per­spec­tive on our plan­et. From mon­i­tor­ing cli­mate pat­terns to track­ing defor­esta­tion, Earth Obser­va­tion pro­vides invalu­able data for envi­ron­men­tal research, dis­as­ter man­age­ment, and urban plan­ning.

Science & Exploration

Unveil­ing the won­ders of the cos­mos. Mis­sions study­ing the plan­ets of our solar sys­tem and enabling human explo­ration pro­vide the foun­da­tion for under­stand­ing the secrets of our uni­verse.

Space Safety

Pro­tect­ing our cos­mic endeav­ors. From space weath­er fore­cast­ing to active debris removal and comet inter­cep­tion, Space Safe­ty ensures respon­si­ble and sus­tain­able prac­tices for the long-term via­bil­i­ty of space explo­ration and uti­liza­tion.

What we devel­op

Our Products & Services

  • On-Board Com­put­ers
  • Pay­load Data Han­dling Units
  • Data Pro­cess­ing Units
  • Instru­ment Con­trol Units
  • Ground Sup­port Equip­ment

Our Research

Research & Development

Fuel­ing inno­va­tion: Pio­neer­ing solu­tions for deep space explo­ration, cut­ting-edge space hard­ware, and flood pre­ven­tion – for a bet­ter space.

Our Spe­cial­i­ty

Radiation Testing

DSI’s radi­a­tion up-screen­ing capa­bil­i­ties: Ensur­ing com­po­nent reli­a­bil­i­ty. Spe­cial­ized in mem­o­ry devices and FPGAs for clas­sic and new space – for a bet­ter space.

Our Progress

New Space

DSI’s con­tri­bu­tion to the grow­ing com­mer­cial space mar­ket: com­bin­ing our exper­tise in reli­able design with excit­ing new solu­tions – for a bet­ter space.

Our customers

We are proud to work with some of the most inno­v­a­tive and respect­ed orga­ni­za­tions in the field of space explo­ration and tech­nol­o­gy.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact our team!