Currently no job offers & thesis topics

Thank you for your inter­est in DSI. As soon as we have open posi­tions for stu­dents or new the­sis top­ics, you will find them here. So be sure to check back at a lat­er date!

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Visit our project worlds

Earth Observation

Unveil the world from above. Dive into our Earth Obser­va­tion con­tri­bu­tion and dis­cov­er a new per­spec­tive on our plan­et.

Science & Exploration

Push­ing bound­aries, seek­ing answers. Vis­it our Sci­ence & Explo­ration page to delve into rig­or­ous research and ground­break­ing dis­cov­er­ies.

Space Safety

Guardians of the Galaxy, rede­fined. Explore our Space Safe­ty con­tri­bu­tion and ensure the cos­mos remains a safe fron­tier for all.

Ready to explore the future with DSI?
Feel free to contact me:

Claudia Ricke

Head of Recruiting & Talent Development