Advantages at a glance

High reliability

Customizable functions

Powerful, efficient hardware

Data Processing Unit Features

DSI Data Pro­cess­ing Units pro­vide pow­er­ful and reli­able data pro­cess­ing any­where in your data chain. Pri­mar­i­ly based on FPGAs, our Pro­cess­ing Units deliv­er high­ly per­for­mant and pow­er effi­cient data pro­cess­ing to any space­craft.



  • Effi­cient and Pow­er­ful FPGA Based Data Pro­cess­ing
  • Ful­ly cus­tomiz­able FPGA pro­cess­ing fea­ture-set
  • Com­pres­sion
  • Encryp­tion
  • Cloud Detec­tion
  • Sin­gle Point Fail­ure Free Design


DSI Data Pro­cess­ing Units are very flex­i­ble, and use mod­ern, secure FPGAs to deliv­er effi­cient data pro­cess­ing for space­craft big and small.



  • Mod­ern and Secure FPGAs (Microse­mi and Xil­inx)
  • Cus­tomiz­able Inter­nal Mem­o­ry (RAM, NAND Flash, etc)
  • Data Inter­faces ful­ly cus­tomiz­able
  • Low Pow­er Con­sump­tion
  • Small Vol­ume, Mass

Box level Data Processing Unit

Option 1 / 3

Avail­able as a ful­ly inde­pen­dent unit in an enclo­sure, ready to be inte­grat­ed in your space­craft 


Rel­e­vant her­itage:
Gök­Türk (TRL 9)
MetOp SG (TRL 8)
CO2M (TRL 8)

Board level Data Processing Unit

Option 2 / 3

Also avail­able as a board lev­el prod­uct to be inte­grat­ed into your exist­ing enclo­sure (i.e. cPCI-SS)


Rel­e­vant her­itage:

Future Capabilities

Option 3 / 3

Sig­nif­i­cant­ly faster data pro­cess­ing with flex­i­ble Ver­sal Archi­tec­ture

Our Spe­cial­i­ty

Radiation Testing

DSI’s radi­a­tion up-screen­ing capa­bil­i­ties: Ensur­ing com­po­nent reli­a­bil­i­ty. Spe­cial­ized in mem­o­ry devices and FPGAs for clas­sic and new space – for a bet­ter space.

 Also interesting: Other product groups

On-Board Computers

Rev­o­lu­tion­ize Space Mis­sions with DSI’s High-Per­for­mance Onboard Com­put­ers.

Payload Data Handling Units

DSI’s PDHUs: Opti­mal and Robust Data Flow for Space Mis­sions.

Instrument Control Units

DSI’s Instru­ment Con­trol Units: Pre­ci­sion and Reli­a­bil­i­ty for Supe­ri­or Space Mis­sions.

Ground Support Equipment

DSI’s Ground Sup­port Equip­ment: Unri­valed Reli­a­bil­i­ty for Earth-Space Link.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact our team!